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Bursa'da Konut Projesi | Residience Project in Bursa

Bu projedeki odak nokta dokuları birleÅŸtirmekti. Mermer, terracota, taÅŸ gibi materyalleri bir arada kullanırken aynı zamanda yeÅŸillikle uyum saÄŸlamak bizim için çok eÄŸlenceli bir süreçti. DiÄŸer taraftan eski Türk modernist üsluba el sallıyoruz!


The focus in this project was to combine textures. While we were using materials such as marble, terracota and stone together, it was also a very fun process for us to adapt it to green environment. On the other hand it was a waving to old Turkish modernist wording!

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